
It's been a while...

I know, I know... If you're going to start a blog, you might as well write as often as possible...

I know, I know... It's been about 2.5 years since I've uploaded all about the upheavals that enliven and trouble my little life. It was not for a shortage of upheavals. Far from it, if anything, there have been more upheavals than I could handle over that period of time and, as a result, writing about them fell by the wayside as I was experiencing them.

Let's see... Among the big, epic upheavals, I feel I should mention finishing my PhD and getting married to the most lovely man I could ever hope to have by my side. Then there was the small stuff that is an integral part of life in London: amazing work, lots of art, good times and bad times with friends, riots and public transport strikes, annoying  neighbours, etc.

"Why are you posting again after all this time?", you ask. Fair enough, it's not because I'm experiencing fewer upheavals or have more time on my hands. It's because I'm in the process of training for my first marathon! I will run the Brighton marathon on April 15th 2012 to raise funds for Breast Cancer Breakthrough and it's such a momentous undertaking that I feel I need to share it.

Now I know I can run! I've been a runner for over 10 years, clocking up the miles, rain or shine, in parks or on roads, 5 days a week. I ran the Edinburgh half-marathon in April 2011, I've also done a handful of 10k charity events to keep a bit of diversity in my training. I love running. It's my sanity. The endorphins, the fresh air, the chance to burn off nervous energy is something that I want as an integral part of my life for as long as I can put one foot in front of the other. In fact, I'm running the Grand Union half-marathon on November 13th as part of my training... and for fun. Running doesn't scare me.

Fundraising is another story. This will be the first time I raise funds for a charitable cause. I'm quite proud to be in the position to do so but it's a new undertaking and, as is the case for all new undertakings, I will be proceeding with baby steps.

Tune in for more about this and other upheavals! Once a week or more often... It's a deal!